1801 Solar Dr. Suite 290 Oxnard, CA 93030

Invisalign Oxnard CA

Invisalign® is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments to help patients achieve a straight smile. This clear aligner system addresses malocclusion, or misalignment of the teeth and/or jaws. Malocclusion can cause more than just cosmetic concerns. It can increase dental cavities, cause stress on the jaw, and may cause wear or damage to healthy teeth. Dr. Georgia Haddad offers Invisalign® in Oxnard, CA for teens and adults.

Invisalign Treatment in Oxnard CA

Invisalign® in Oxnard, CA

Invisalign is a revolutionary alternative to traditional metal braces. This clear braces system will gradually and comfortably shift teeth into alignment. Just like braces, they will improve the aesthetics of your smile and the function of your bite. Instead of having metal brackets put on your teeth, you will wear a series of clear aligners to achieve a straight smile.

Each set of clear aligners will slowly move your teeth closer to the desired position. The patient will wear them for about one to two weeks at a time before moving on to the next set. The total number of aligners you will need depends on your treatment plan and the severity of your crooked teeth.

Invisalign logo

The Benefits of Invisalign®

Choosing Invisalign clear braces offers numerous advantages. This teeth straightening system is super discreet. The aligners consist of a clear plastic that are barely noticeable when you wear them. This makes them a good choice for adults who want to avoid the stigma of wearing braces.

Invisalign offers more comfort because they do not use metal brackets and wires. These metal components tend to poke and prod the soft tissues in your mouth. You won’t get food stuck in them and have to worry about embarrassing situations.

Also, we use molds of your teeth to make the clear aligners. So, they will sit comfortably against your teeth and will not feel bulky in your mouth.

Invisalign clear aligners are removable making it easier for you to eat and practice good oral hygiene. You can remove them every time you eat meaning there are no eating restrictions you have to follow. You can also take them out to properly brush and floss your teeth daily. Removing aligners to brush prevents tooth enamel staining from permanently attached metal brackets.

Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen is the most discreet way for your teen to straighten their teeth. This orthodontic treatment geared towards teens allows them to achieve straight teeth without the emotional stress of metal braces. Invisalign Teen is removable allowing your teen to continue eating a healthy diet without restrictions. Teens are able to brush and floss normally, minimizing the risk of tooth decay and discoloration.

Invisalign teen logo

The removable clear aligners make playing sports and instruments easier and safer too! Invisalign allows for fewer trips to the dentist for adjustments, giving your teen more freedom to enjoy life confidently. Invisalign Teen is the best way for your teenager to straighten their teeth.

Invisalign®: What to Expect

To begin, Dr. Haddad will conduct an exam on your mouth to decide if you are a candidate for clear aligners. Then, she will create 3D images of your teeth using digital scanning technology. She will upload the images to a computer and design a new smile for you. This custom treatment plan will gently move your teeth into proper alignment.

Next, we will send your treatment plan to the Invisalign lab where they will create the aligners. While there, the technician will use SmartTrack® to create the set of aligners. The clear ultra-thin plastic is durable and fits snugly against your teeth, making them nearly invisible to others. The material is soft and has a low profile which helps to reduce irritation of the lips, tongue, and gums.

Once your aligners are ready, you will return to our Oxnard, CA dental office to receive your first few set of aligners. We will show you how to put them in and take them out. Also, we will teach you how to properly care for your aligners.

You will need to wear your Invisalign aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day, every day. Most patients will complete their treatment in a year. However, if your alignment or cosmetic goal is severe, it may take longer.

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

Most of our patients will qualify for Invisalign. This orthodontic treatment is able to correct many types of malocclusion. To determine if you qualify, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Haddad. She will examine your teeth to see if Invisalign is the best treatment or if braces would be better.

Invisalign is for teens and adults with mild to moderate orthodontic issues. Patients should be mature enough to take proper care of their aligners. You must be responsible enough to clean them daily, and kept track of them when you take them out. We may suggest Invisalign for teens and adults with the following orthodontic issues:

  • Crooked Teeth
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gap Teeth
  • Open Bite

Invisalign® FAQs

Here, we address common questions about Invisalign and the process. Whether you’re considering Invisalign for yourself or your teen, please learn more about the treatment here. We hope you find the information you need to make an informed decision. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us.

What to avoid with Invisalign?

While undergoing Invisalign treatment, patients will need to remove their aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. Patients should also be sure to keep a case for their aligners handy, and avoid putting them in a napkin to store. You should also avoid:

  • Not properly cleaning and maintaining the aligners. This can lead to bacteria buildup and oral hygiene issues.
  • Eating or drinking anything other than water while wearing Invisalign aligners. This can cause staining and damage to the aligners.
  • Chewing gum or using tobacco products while wearing them.
  • Removing the aligners too frequently or for extended periods. This can delay the progress of your treatment.
  • Not wearing the aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day. This can also slow down the progress of your treatment.
  • Using harsh or abrasive cleaning products on the aligners. This can damage them and affect the fit.
  • Not following your orthodontist’s or dentist’s instructions and recommendations for wearing and caring for your Invisalign aligners.

How quickly do teeth move with Invisalign?

Teeth begin to move within the first two months of wearing Invisalign in most cases. Patients need to be patient with the process because it takes time. Invisalign is one of the faster working teeth aligning treatments available.

Does Invisalign change your face shape?

Invisalign can change the shape of a patient’s face, because it is altering the alignment of their jaw. In most cases change is positive and aligns the patients face more with their teeth. Not only can Invisalign align your teeth, it can help align your facial features and face shape.

Are Invisalign aligners painful?

Invisalign aligners may cause initial discomfort as your teeth adjust. However they are generally less painful than traditional braces. The smooth, custom-fit aligners lack metal components which will reduce irritation. Any discomfort typically subsides as your mouth adapts to the aligners.

How often do I have to wear my clear aligners?

For the best results, you must wear your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, every day. You should only remove them for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Consistent wear helps the aligners shift teeth into place effectively.

Will Invisalign affect my speech?

While there may be a temporary adjustment period, Invisalign typically has minimal impact on speech. Most people adapt quickly to the aligners. Any changes in speech are generally minor and temporary.

What happens after Invisalign treatment?

After completing Invisalign treatment, patients usually transition to wearing retainers to maintain the new tooth alignment and prevent relapse. Regularly follow-up with your orthodontist or dentist to monitor progress. This will ensure that your teeth will remain straight for a long time.

If you are interested in learning more about this clear and easy tooth alignment system, call Beach Cities Dental Group today. Dr. Haddad offers Invisalign to adults and teens who want to use clear aligners to straighten their crooked teeth. To begin your treatment, call us today at (805) 312-9164 to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment online.